%A NIM. :13730009 Diemas Aji Myas Pradesta %O Pembimbing: Dr. Diah Ajeng Purwani, S.Sos., M.Si. %T STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI LEMBAGA ZAKAT INFAQ DAN SHADAQAH DI PW NU CARE-LAZISNU DIY DALAM MENINGKATKAN KESADARAN MASYARAKAT MEMBAYAR ZAKAT %X The potential for zakat in Indonesia is very large, but in fact, the realization of the collection of zakat obtained is still very far from the existing potential of zakat. Lack of public understanding of zakat in general and people's mindsets that are still influenced by old traditions are the main causes of the low realization of zakat collection. PW NU CARE-LAZISNU DIY as an amil zakat and alms charity institution in Yogyakarta should participate in efforts to increase public awareness of paying zakat. This study identifies the communication strategy that has been implemented by PW NU CARE-LAZISNU DIY in increasing public awareness of paying zakat. Researchers use communication theory, components of communication strategies, such as: Recognizing communication goals, selecting communication media, assessing message objectives, and the role of communicators in communication. This study used a qualitative descriptive study method with observation and interviews as a way of collecting data. The results showed that the communication strategy carried out by PW NU CARE-LAZISNU DIY was not optimal because the amount of zakat collection and the number of muzzaki had not shown a significant increase, which tended to be inconsistent every month, and had not met the set targets. The communication strategy to the community must continue to be improved, especially related to the intensity of socialization to the community which is structured and systematic from PW NU CARE-LAZISNU DIY. Also, PW NU CARE-LAZISNU DIY needs to take advantage of paid advertisements on social media to better reach the wider community. %K communication strategy, NU CARE-LAZISNU, media komunikasi; muzaki %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib42842