%A NIM.: 16140017 Umniyatul Faizah %O Drs. Djazim Rohmadi, M.Si. %T PERSEPSI PEMUSTAKA TERHADAP PELAY ANAN PRIMA PADA LAYANAN SIRKULASI DI PERPUSTAKAAN PRAPANCA SMA N 2 BANTUL %X This study aims to determine the preceptions of visitors to excellent service in circulation services at the Prapanca Library of SMAN 2 Bantul. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. The population in this study are students of class X and XI as users who are registered as members of the Prapanca Library of SMAN 2 Bantul. The method used in this research is incidental sampling. Data collection techniques used were observation, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The validity test uses the product moment formula and the reliability test uses the Cronbach alpha formula. The data analysis method uses percentage analysis. The results of this study indicate a value of 81% which is included in the very good category, because it is in the interval 75%-100%. The lowest indicator on the sub variable collection return on indicator reminds the return of 70% collection and 70% friendliness of librarians. Based on these results, suggestions are given to pay more attention to indicators that have a low percentage. %K layanan prima; perpustakaan sekolah; circulation services %D 2021 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib42853