%A NIM.: 06370030 DEDI PRIANSYAH %O Pembimbing : Dr. Ahmad Yani Anshori %T THE DEMOCRACY OF MUAMMAR QADHAFI %X Gaddafi claimed that his political concept, the direct democracy, was derived from the principles of the Koran and hence in harmony with Islam. It was laid down with the purpose of providing an easily understood and complete approach in the quot;Green Book. quot; The first part (published in 1976) concerned the political aspects of the organization of society. The first part denounced the representative democracies as hoaxes and claimed instead that only the direct participation of the masses in government, as laid down in the Jamahiriyya, offered a valid solution to political problems. The puposes of this thesis explor the democracy of Muammar Qadhafi and Its relevantion toward Republic of Indonesia. In briefly the method has heuristik, critic, interpretation and historiografi step. Because of this writing is literature writing, the first step performed within in this writing process is data collecting (heuristik), used data in this writing obtained through of book material study (library research) either in books, thesis, ensiklopedi or other scientific copys found in library center of State Islamic Unversity of Sunan Kalijaga, Shari'ah Library of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Colese Ignatius library and Fisipol library of Gajah Mada University, which kept the collection of other scientific book or masterpiece related to writing topic. Besides that, writer explore to internet sites and notes applied sources in writing before. After explored many sources its would be considered to processing a verification and criticism to sources, either in the eksternal form criticism determined authenticity or internal criticism to determine credibility whatever correct sources, rational, or logical. Verificatable data on the chance obtainable enough validity data to be confessed. The writing process also included a comparation among sources and other. Based on the explanition above, writter have been explored to conclude that no representation in lieu of the people, representation is a denial ofparticipation, representation is a falsification of democracy, the party sistem aborts democracy, to make party it's mean split society, the fallacy of a amp;#8216;Yes' or amp;#8216;No' plebiscite, no democracy without populer congress, and democracy means populer rule expression. The relevantion to the Republic of Indonesia that direct democracy may be relevant to practice in Indonesia, because Indonesia is a familiar system people. %K heuristik; critic; demokrasi Pancasila; Islam dan demokrasi %D 2010 %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %L digilib4287