%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A SUDARMIYATI - NIM. 06730031, %B Fakultas Ishum %D 2010 %F digilib:4309 %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %K strategi public relations, brand image, customer %T STRATEGI PUBLIC RELATIONS PT. TELKOM, Tbk DALAM MENGOKOHKAN BRAND IMAGE PADA CUSTOMER (STUDI DESKRIPTIF KUALITATIF PADA PT. TELKOM Tbk.KANDATEL YOGYAKARTA) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/4309/ %X Research was conducted to describe the form of strategies used by Public Relations PT. TELKOM, Tbk branch Kandatel Yogyakarta in building the brand image of the telecommunication company. Choosing Kandatel Yogyakarta, especially Yogyakarta as a student because so many university that every day need telecommunications and informations Excellent Service and competitors have been complicated in telecommunications market in Yogyakarta. Plus status bussiness company as the telecommunications ans informations (Infocomm) to be able to Telecommunications, Informations, Media and Edutaiment (TIME) have been defined. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive tipe. The subject of this reserch is public relations divisions of PT. TELKOM, Tbk branch Kandatel Yogyakarta and the parties concerned in it (staff management until top management). While the object of research is the strategy in this divisions to firm the brand image of PT. TELKOM, Tbk brand Kandatel Yogyakarta especially for customer, external public and stakeholder. Informan research selected purposively. Data collected through two method is primer data and sekunder data. Primer data collected through observations non participant (observation does not participate) and in depth interviews (with Officer II-Staff Officer-Staff Outsourching Broadcast and Documentation). Sekunder data collected through company profile of PT. TELKOM, internal portal, press release, press cliping and documentations programs. Methods of data analysis using reduksi data, display data, and verification data. Check the accuraty ot the data using triangulation methods. Results of research show that Public Relations PT. TELKOM, Tbk branch Kandatel Yogyakarta while the strategy is executed in the brand image is to Integrated Strategy (Functions Strategy) for support Korporat Strategy (portopolio business T.I.M.E). Its implementation steps in accordance with the model implementation strategy formulated by Samuel C. Certo amp; J. Paul Peter. %Z Pembimbing: Dra. Marfu'ah Sri Sanityastuti, M.Si