%A NIM.: 15730019 Arif Mansyah %O Pembimbing: Yanti Dwi Astuti, S.Sos.I, M.A %T PERAN GOVEMERMENT PUBLIC RELATIONS DALAM MENGELOLA KEGIATAN MEDIA RELATIONS (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif di Deputi IV Informasi dan Komunikasi Politik Kantor Staf Presiden RI) %X The Presidential Staff Office of the Republic Indonesia (KSP) is a special staff by President Joko Widodo based on Presidential Regulation No 83 of 2019. The Presidential Staff Office of the Republic of Indonesia is like goverment Public Relations, because one of the functions of the Presidential Staff Office of the Republic Indonesia according to the Presidential Regulation is to manage strategic issues. As an issue manager, the Presidential Staff Office of the Republic Indonesia should not have an impact on the running of the government, disrupt the stability the country and create a commotion in society. This study focus to identifying and describing the role played by government public relations in media relations activities so as to maintain a positive image of the Presidential Staff Office Republic Indonesia. Researcher used theories from Dozier and Broom in (Ruslan, 2012: 20-21) regarding the role of public relations and media relations activities initiated by (Dasrun Hidayat, 2014: 79-87). Qualitative descriptive sampling technique is the method used by researchers in this study. The results of this study, the public relations office of the President Republic Indonesia was able to accommodate and control the media relations activities of expert advisors, communication facilitators, problem-solving process facilitators and communication technicians. %K Kantor Kepresidenan; Goverment Public Relations; The Presidential Staff Office of the Republic Indonesia %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib43161