%A NIM.: 16710021 Ghuyub Catlea Azalea %O Pembimbing: Very Julianto S. Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog %T PROSES PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN MENJADI HOMOSEKSUAL %X Making decision to live as a homosexual in a hetero-centric and religious society is certainly not easy. Homosexual goes through a long process before they accept and live as their sexual orientation. This study aims to determine how the decision-making process for living as homosexuals and factors that influence them to make their decision. This study applies qualitative method with phenomenological approach, involved 3 gays and 2 lesbians as subject. The data were collected by semi-structured interviews and observations. The collected data were analyzed using the Interpretative Phenomenologist Analysis (IPA) technique. The results of the study assumed that the five subjects decided to live their lives as homosexuals because they felt comfortable with person in same-sex partners. The decision-making process goes through five stages, assessing information, surveying alternatives, weighting of alternatives, deliberating about commitment, and getting the consequences of decisions both positive and negative consequences. Internal factors that influence the decision to become homosexual on these five subjects are feeling comfortable with their same-sex partners, feeling confident about orientation, unbalanced parenting past experience, feeling of missing a parent figure, rationalizing attitudes with the religious dogma, on the other hand there is also a feeling of anxiety about assumptions from the society because they deviate from the religious dogma, also worried about defaming their family. whilst, the external influencing factors are support from the closest; family, friends, partners. A supportive and open environtment that let the deviate attitudes is the other external factors found to influence the decision-making process. %K decision-making; homosexual; gay %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib43196