%A NIM.: 16620024 Gusfianang Haryarta %O Pembimbing : 1. Frida Agung Rakhmadi, S.Si., M.Sc; 2. Dr. Imelda Fajriati, M.Si %T ANALISIS CILOK TERKONTAMINASI BORAKS MENGGUNAKAN SISTEM SPEKTROSKOPI FLUORESENSI BERBASIS HIGH POWER UV-LED %X he analysis research of borax contaminant in cilok using high power UV-LED fluorescence spectroscopy system was successfully done. This study aimed to analyze borax in cilok using a high power UV-LED fluorescence spectroscopy system and to determine its precision and detection limits. The stages of research of borax contaminant in cilok was carried out by preparing tools and materials, sampling, data collection, and data processing. Testing of detection limit was carried out with a variety of borax contaminants of 0% - 40% from 20 grams of cilok and precision testing was done by repeating the test of each variation 5 times. The results showed that high power UV-LED fluorescence spectroscopy system was used successfully in analyzing cilok contaminated with borax. In addition, the test results showed that the system has precision of 100% and detection limit of 2.6%. %K high power UV-LED, fluorescence, cilok, borax. %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib43259