%A NIM.: 16620029 Koddam Rukadi Lubis %O Pembimbing : Cecilia Yanuarif, M.Si. %T SIMULASI EFEK DENSITAS (ρ) PADA PLASMA DI DALAM TOKAMAK MELALUI PERSAMAAN MAGNETOHIDRODINAMIKA MENGGUNAKAN KODE BOUT++ %X The density of plasma in the tokamak can be simulated using BOUT++ code. This study uses the BOUT++ code to analyze the distribution of density on plasma in the tokamak. By using the BOUT++ code, the physics equations that are solved provided in one place and can be easily changed with only minimal knowledge of how the code works. This study aims to determine the effects of density on plasma in the tokamak according to the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equation. MHD is the sending or movement of waves and plasma in a magnetic field. The analysis of the results in this study is provided by the software 2017b Matlab. The results show that the density changed from time to time and always lead to steady conditions. The effect of the distribution of plasma density variations in the tokamak is that when t = 30 μs produces strong energy. When t = 40 μs and t = 50 μs it produces weak energy. %K plasma density, BOUT++ code, tokamak, MHD %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib43260