%A NIM.: 16620030 Itsnainiyah Hafizhoh %O Pembimbing : Anis Yuniati, Ph. D %T PEMODELAN INTERAKSI NEURON-ASTROCYTE PADA JARINGAN SARAF %X Neuron-astrocyte interaction modeling in neural networks has been carried out. The neuron model used is Integrate and Fire, while the astrocyte network model is defined by the Li-Rinzel equation, which involves the IP3Rs (q) activation fraction that affects the value of calcium concentration in astrocytes. The modeling of the interaction between neuron networks and astrocytes involves four types of connections, that are connections between neurons connected by synapses, connections between astrocytes in the form of gap-junction channels (GJCs), synaptic connections to astrocytes, and astrocyte connections to synapses. The synaptic connection to the astrocytes is built to trigger the activation of the astrocytes by releasing the neurotransmitter. The astrocyte connection to the synapses is established as a route for the production of the gliotransmitter. Variations in external currents are given in the model to observe the differences in synchronization of firing activity of neural networks. Modeling was done using Brian 2 simulator. Modeling results show that the IP3Rs (q) activation fraction can affect the propagation of calcium waves in astrocytes through activation of IP3 receptors. In this model, it can be shown that the information transfer mechanism by neurons is in the form of electric current wave propagation, while the information transfer by astrocyte is in the form of calcium wave propagation. %K Neuron, Astrocyte, Integrated-and-Fire, Li-Rinzel, Gliotransmitter, Gap-Junction Channels, Simulator Brian2 %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib43261