%A NIM: 16730091 Gusti Hafizul Rifaldi L.M %O Pembimbing: Niken Puspitasari, S.IP., M.A %T MEMBANGUN CITRA DIRI DALAM MEMPEROLEH ELEKTABILITAS TINGGI (Studi Deskriptif pada Bakal Calon Pemimpin Daerah Kabupaten Sleman “Reno Candra Sangaji”) %X This study had a purpose to determine how to build an image in society that has an impact on high self-electability for a person. in this case, Reno Candra Sangaji is the main subject in the research conducted by the author. Imagery or political imagery suddenly becomes a new thing therefore many case in Indonesia that rarely found. This research discusses how the image is formed of a village head who dedicate himself to participate in competition in high level teritory. That is a new phenomenom that many people may not be aware. It is rare for someone to form a self-image to have high electability in the world of politics. The result of this research was building self-image in a person increases electability in the world of politics. and whether everything is related to self-image and electability. %K Self-Image; citra politik; electability; komunikasi politik %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib43265