@phdthesis{digilib43367, month = {December}, title = {APLIKASI FUZZY DATABASE MODEL TAHANI REKOMENDASI PEMBELIAN KAMERA MIRRORLESS BERBASIS WEB}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 16650082 Muhammad Dhiauddin}, year = {2020}, note = {Pembimbing : Nurochman, S.Kom., M. Kom}, keywords = {Mirrorless Camera, Fuzzy Database, Tahani, Recommendation System.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/43367/}, abstract = {Nowadays, the creative industries creates a lot of welfare and jobs. Some examples of creative industries include film, advertising, photography and videography. The activities of the creative industry can not be separated from tools to support the profession like camera. Mirrorless type cameras are more in demand nowadays because they have more advantages than other types of cameras. This recommended system uses the Fuzzy database model Tahani. The parameters used consist of five including the battery capacity, weight, focal point, price, and number of megapixels. The results of the mirrorless recommendation based on the value of the membership degree, than ranking the five highest grades. The result of case trials that have been carried out with manual calculations and calculations from the system give the same result. Overall, the system built can provide mirrorless camera recommendations to users. Implementation and test results in some respondents showed that the system developed can function 100\% and in usability testing resulted in a value of 44.12\% Strongly Agreed, 48.04\% Agreed, and 7.84\% Neutral to this Web-Based Mirrorless Camera Recommendation System} }