%A DEDY RIYADIN SAPUTRO - NIM. 05730016 %O Pembimbing: 1. Drs.Abdul Rozak, M.Pd, 2. Drs. Bono Setyo, M.Si, %T AKTIVITAS HUMAS DALAM MENJALANKAN MEDIA RELATIONS (Studi Deskriptif pada Bagian Humas dan Informasi Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta) %X Public relation as a part of organization and profession, nowadays already good enough developed in Indonesia. By PR, the organization communicates and composes a relation with their publics. In composing communication and relations with their public, the organization needs mass media. Therefore the partnerships with media or media relations become an essential part in PR. There are two purposes that would be reached by media relation. First, compose a good relations and communication with mass media. Second, conclude mass media as a partner in order to make a good communication between organizations with their publics. Therefore media relations become a very strategic aspectto the organization. Moreover, in making these communication and compose relations, organization also using mass media to maintain their reputation. This research discuss the activities of media relations which is worked by public relations staff and The Government of Yogyakarta City Information along with any problems which meat in performing those media relations activities. Mean while the type of the research using descriptive qualitative type with purpose to depicting any conditions, situation, or any social phenomenon in society. And the method of collecting data was done by interview, documentation, and observation. From the result of the research gained that public relations staff and The Government of Yogyakarta City Information in performing media relations divided into two categories. First, formally activity of media relations which covering the press release delivery, press conference, cooperate with cast media and electronic and press tour. And second, non formally activity of media relations which covering servicing the media, personal relationship and special event in form Walikota Award. Whereas the problems in media relations is there is a minimum of Human Source Ability which public relations staff and The Government of Yogyakarta City Information have in performing their duties as the public relations officer. %K humas, komukasi, media relation Pemerintah kota Yogyakarta %D 2010 %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %L digilib4369