%A NIM.: 13140054 Lutfi Arifiani %O Pembimbing : Dr. Syifaun Nafisah, S.T., MT. %T EVALUASI ANTARMUKA ONLINE PUBLIC ACCESS CATALOG DINAS PERPUSTAKAAN DAN KEARSIPAN KOTA YOGYAKARTA BERDASARKAN TEKNIK INTERAKSI DIRECT MANIPULATION STYLE %X The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Online Public Access Catalog interface of Yogyakarta City Library and Archives Service based on direct manipulation style techniques. This research is a single variable descriptive quantitative research. The data retrieval of this study using a questionnaire method with 100 respondents, of the Yogyakarta City Library and Archives visitors and also librarians interviews. The sampling of this study used incidental sampling method, which is a sampling technique based on spontaneity. In this study the data obtained were processed in SPSS version 24 for Windows. Furthermore, the data analyzed using mean and grand mean formula to obtain quantitative results. The evaluation results is “very good” based on the variable calculation of 3.36 mean, are included in “very good” category. Furthermore, all the sub-indicators are listed as follows, initiative 3.38, flexibility 3.42, complexity 3.52, strength 3.16, consistency 3.19, feedback 3.27, observability 3.55 controllablility 3,33 and efficiency 3,28. From this research, is expected that the Yogyakarta City Library and Archives will increase the OPAC particularly in strength and consistency where in this study has the lowest score so it can be maximized further. %K Evaluasi Perpustakaan, Otomasi Perpustakaan, Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer, Direct Manipulation Style %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib43728