%A NIM. 17106020010 Desy Novitasari %O Dr. Widayanti, S.Si., M.Si. %T KAJIAN SIMULASI PENGARUH NANOKOMPOSIT KITOSAN-GRAFENA OKSIDA TERHADAP KINERJA SENSOR SURFACE PLASMON RESONANCE UNTUK DETEKSI ION LOGAM %X SPR Sensor System can be used as metal ion detection. The use of an SPR sensor system for metal ion detection has several advantages, namely it is cheap and can detect quickly. This research was conducted to determine the effect of adding chitosan-graphene oxide (KS-GO) nanocomposite to the SPR sensor as a lead and copper ion detector. The KS-GO nanocomposite used as a detector was varied in volume fraction and thickness in order to obtain the optimum value. The volume fraction that was varied was 0.062; 0.082 and 0.099 while the thicknesses were varied, namely 18 nm, 20 nm and 25 nm. The effect of the involvement of the KS-GO nanocomposite is shown through the reflectance curve that displays the SPR angle and reflectance value. This study uses a Winspall simulator to display the reflectance curve. The SPR system uses a He-Ne laser beam with a wavelength of 632.8 nm, a BK7 semi-cylindrical prism, and a metallic layer in the form of a thin layer of silver. The SPR sensor configuration used is theconfiguration Kretschmann. The coating system model used is prism BK7/silver film/chitosan/lead and copper ions and prism BK7/silver film/KS-GO nanocomposite/analyte. The analytes detected were lead ions and copper ions. The permittivity of the KS-GO nanocomposite was calculated using the Maxwell-Garnett effective medium theory. The results showed that the refractive index and permittivity values of the KS-GO nanocomposite obtained increased with increasing volume fraction. The nanocomposite with a volume fraction of 0.099 produces a permittivity of 2.4337 and a refractive index of 1.5600. The greater permittivity and thickness of the nanocomposite causes a shift in the SPR angle on the reflectance curve. The largest SPR angle shift occurred in the use of KS-GO nanocomposite with a volume fraction of 0.099 and a thickness of 25 nm. %K Surface plasmon resonance (SPR), Winspall, Chitosan-graphene oxide nanocomposites. %D 2021 %I FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI %L digilib43784