%A NIM.: 17106060032 Siti Nurrohmah %O Pembimbing: Ira Setyaningsih, S.T., M.Sc %T ANALISIS PENGENDALIAN KUALITAS DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE SIX SIGMA (Studi Kasus: Perusahaan Minibus) %X Quality is the key to success for an industry to be able to compete and dominate the market. PT. XYZ is a manufacturing companny in carroserie that produces bus, minibus and box. After conducting observations and interviews with the company that there are still many defective products found in the process of painting minibus. One method that can overcome product defects is Six Sigma. In this research, the Six Sigma with Define, Maesure, Analyze and Improve. The result show company’s defect rate for process of painting minibus is 208,382 DPMO or the company sigma value level of 2.31 sigma. In this study also used Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) which is used to determine the value of Risk Priority Number (RPN) on each potential cause of failure. After observations and interviews were obtained 35 potential causes of failure in the process of painting minibus. The potential cause of failure with the highest RPN value is that the spray booth filter has not been replaced with an RPN value of 170.43 which causes a type of “cat bintik” defect. So the proposed improvements that can be suggested from the results of the research to reduce the number of defects in the minibus painting process is to provide training to operators how to mask the correct way and increase supervision during the production process, provide adequate ventilation so that the operator can concentrate properly, perform periodic replacement of spray booth filters and operators ensure the feasibility of spray booths before starting the painting process, provide and ensure the wipes used in a clean state. %K Quality Control, Six Sigma, DMAIC, FMEA %D 2021 %I FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI %L digilib43788