%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Rahmat Hidayat, NIM.: 16140040 %B FAKULTAS ADAB DAN ILMU BUDAYA %D 2021 %F digilib:43793 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Analisis Kebutuhan, Pemustaka, Koleksi, Kebutuhan Siswa, Perpustakaan Sekolah. %P 120 %T ANALISIS PEMENUHAN KEBUTUHAN SISWA TERHADAP KOLEKSI DI PERPUSTAKAAN MADRASAH ALIYAH NURUL UMMAH KOTAGEDE YOGYAKARTA SKRIPSI %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/43793/ %X This research aims to see the collections needs of student in the State Islamic Senior High School Nurul Ummah Kotagede Yogyakarta Library. This research is quantitative descriptive study with the subject of this research is the student of State Islamic Senior High School Nurul Ummah Kotagede Yogyakarta. The data collection technique of this research are questionnaires, interviews, observations, and documentations. The population this reseach are calass XI and XII student State Islamic Senior High School Nurul Ummah Kotagede Yogyakarta. The sampling technique this research is proportionate stratified random sampling. The variable this research is single variable which information needs of student in the State Islamic Senior High School Nurul Ummah Kotagede Yogyakarta Library. The result of this research showed that the overall average value obtained is 3,05 so can be categorized good. As for details of sub variable type collection obtained is 3,19 so can be categorized good. And sub variable criteria collection obtained is 2,91 so can be categorized good. Based on the result of calculations using interval scale formula, then it can be seen that the information needs of student in the State Islamic Senior High School Nurul Ummah Kotagede Yogyakarta Library as good. The result of the research provide recommendations to library managers to always improve and add to library collections and promote it to student so that student can find out and be interested in using it. And also the library must pay attention to the latest collections and their suitability with students so that the library can be used optimally. %Z Pembimbing : Marwiyah, S.Ag. S.S. M.LIS.