%A NIM.: 16140108 Asti Nur Hasanah %O Pembimbing : Drs. Djazim Rohmadi, M.Si %T EVALUASI TINGKAT PEMANFAATAN KOLEKSI SKRIPSI BERDASARKAN PERSEPSI PENGGUNA DI PERPUSTAKAAN UMUM KABUPATEN BANTUL %X This research aims to determine and describe the level of utilization of the thesis collection based on user perceptions in the Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul.The approach of this research was quantitative descriptive. The subjects of this research were users in the Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul. The population in this research was users/members of Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul who were college stundent, amounting to 330 users with 77 respondens as samples that were chosen using the Taro Yamame formula. The data collection techniques used questionnaires, observation, documentation, and interviews. The obtained data were analyzed by the formula mean and grandmean. The result of this research indicate that the level of utilization of the thesis collection based on user perceptions in the Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul is categorized in the low level with a score of 1,94. The indicator of the utilization rate of the thesis collection is 1,95, the indicator of the form of uses the thesis collection by reading is obtained a score of 2,04, the indicator of the form of uses the thesis collection by means of cited obtained a score of 1,84, the indicator of the form of uses the thesis collection by noted obtained a score of 1,80, the indicator of the form of uses the thesis collection by being photographed obtained a score of 2,07 so that in each indicator in the utilization of the thesis in the Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul is categorized in the low level. Suggestions for Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul are need to review the urgency of the thesis collections in the Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul considering that the users of Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul are general users, not just college students. If the Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul wants to maintain a thesis collection, the Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul have to increase the utilization of the thesis collection. However, before that, the Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul needs to promote the existence of their thesis collection, especially for college students. So that, their thesis collection can be used according to its urgency. %K Persepsi, Tingkat Pemanfaatan, Koleksi Skripsi, Pemustaka %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib43833