relation: title: RESTORASI KOLEKSI LANGKA DI KAWEDANAN HAGENG PUNAKAWAN WIDYA BUDAYA KARATON NGAYOGYAKARTA HADININGRAT creator: Syarifatul Karomah, NIM.: 16140115 subject: Ilmu Perpustakaan subject: Perpustakaan Khusus description: This research is meant to know all about the restoration of rare collection at the KHP Widya Budaya Karaton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat starting from the background, restoration process, to the constraints one faces. This research is using qualitative descriptive study. Data collection methods using interview techniques, observation and documentation. The analysis of the data consist of data reduction, data display and deduction. Data validity has been tasted through credibility testing process, transferability test, depenability test, and confirmability test. The results of this research that the background of this restoration activity is because the collection has suffered damage with the level of damage is light, medium and heavy. The damage that occurs because two main factors of internal factors (paper characteristics) and external factors (environment, humans and biota). Furthermor there is another factor that is corrosion of the ink. From several factors, above there are some preventive measure consist of camperation, fumigation, temperature sortings and collaboration with government cooperation. Restoration at KHP Widya Budaya starting with collection processing and digitalization of the collection, it’s then the process of restoration of rare collection. The restoration, which begins with a reduction of acid in the collection using maghnesium carbonate fluid, the installation of japanesse tissue on one side of the collection and then glued with cellulose methyl, followed by combining and laminating, lastly trimming the finish. The problem is quality of the collection is bad. So, the collection difficult to read and need more carefull for the construction. There is no problem with restoration materials because of the partnership berween the ANRI partners. date: 2020-12-14 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Syarifatul Karomah, NIM.: 16140115 (2020) RESTORASI KOLEKSI LANGKA DI KAWEDANAN HAGENG PUNAKAWAN WIDYA BUDAYA KARATON NGAYOGYAKARTA HADININGRAT. Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.