%A NIM.: 15810065 Idhar Hanifudin %O Pembimbing : Dr. Abdul Qoyyum, SEI, M.Sc.Fin. %T ANALISIS PENGARUH ZAKAT PRODUKTIF SEBAGAI PENINGKATAN KESEJAHTERAAN MUSTAHIK BERDASARKAN ANALISIS MODEL CIBEST (STUDI KASUS: LEMBAGA AMIL ZAKAT MUHAMMADIYAH YOGYAKARTA) %X The empowerment of Zakat productive is one way of Islam to alleviate poverty and increase welfare. This study aims to determine the impact of zakat productive on mustahik household income and mustahik spiritual condition before and after. the existence of zakat productive assistance in LAZISMU Yogyakarta Region. The analytical method used is the CIBEST Model, this analysis tool measures the level of poverty materially and spiritually consisting of quadrants and the CIBEST index. The respondents in this study were 44 mustahik households using purposive sampling technique. The results of the analysis show that productive zakat has succeeded in increasing the welfare of mustahik in the welfare quadrants from 14 mustahik households or 31% to 27 mustahik 61% has a change of 30% besides that in the material poverty quadrantsl there are 17 mustahik or 39% mustahik and there are no households mustahik contained in the spiritual poverty quadrants and absolute poverty quadrants KEYWORD: Zakat Productive, CIBEST Analysis, Poverty Index %K Zakat Produktif, Analisis CIBEST, Indeks Kemiskinan %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib43874