%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Ali Irfan, NIM.: 16810087 %B FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS ISLAM %D 2020 %F digilib:43888 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Produksi Cobb Dauglass, Faktor Produksi, Produksi Frointer %P 129 %T ANALISIS EFISIENSI DAN FAKTOR-FAKTOR PRODUKSI INDUSTRI MIKRO BATA MERAH DI DESA KETANEN KECAMATAN TRANGKIL PATI %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/43888/ %X The number of micro-entrepreneurs in Ketanen Village has the highest number of all tile-producing areas in Pati District. The central strength of the tile micro-industry in Ketanen Village is fading and being replaced by other developing areas with the power of establishing cooperatives. The decline in the number of tile business units indicates the possibility of in efficiency in the use of its factors of production causing bankruptcy.This study aims to determine how the influence of each factor of production on the production of micro-tile industry in ketanen Village as well as to know the achievement of efficient use of production faktors in the micro industry. This study uses primary data obtained from the respondents of the research with the method of analysis used is regression and Stochastic Frointer Approach (SFA). Population in the object of research are 140 micro entrepeneurs with samples taken based on slovin nethod as many as 60 businessmen.Simultan eously, production factor has significant effect to tile production. Clay has a significant positive effect, firewood has a negative and insignificant effect, the capital has a positive and significant effect and labor has a significant positive effect on the production. %Z Pembimbing : Lailatis Syarifah, M A.