%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Muhammad Abdu Shadli, NIM.: 16820010 %B FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS ISLAM %D 2020 %F digilib:43893 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Kinerja Karyawan, Latar Belakang Pendidikan, Pelatihan, Pengalaman Kerja %P 125 %T DETERMINAN KINERJA KARYAWAN BANK SYARIAH (STUDI KASUS PADA BNI SYARIAH KANTOR CABANG BUKIT TINGGI) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/43893/ %X Human resources play the most important and potential role for the success of a company. Therefore, in order to make a greater contribution to the organization to gain competitive advantage, human resources must be managed comprehensively and strategically from planning, acceptance to development. Employees' educational background, training provided to employees and work experience of employees are factors that affect employee performance. This study aims to examine the effect of educational background, training and work experience on the performance of employees of BNI Syariah Bukittinggi Branch Office. The population in this study were all employees at BNI Syariah Bukittinggi Branch Office. The sample in this study was taken by nonprobability sampling technique with purposive sampling method. Primary data collection is by distributing questionnaires. There are 39 questionnaires processed in this study. The data analysis method in this research is validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, and hypothesis test with the SPPS 25.00 program. The results showed that the educational background. training, and work experience simultaneously have a significant effect on employee performance. Partially the educational background variable has a significant negative effect on employee performance with t count 2,788 with a significance level of 0.009 below 0.05. Work experience variable has a significant positive effect on employee performance with t count of 2.888> t table of 2.03011 with a significance level of 0.007 below 0.05. Furthermore, the training variable has a significant effect on employee performance with t count 2.461> t table 2.03011 with a significance level of 0.019 below 0.05. %Z Pembimbing : Drs. Akhmad Yusuf Khoiruddin, SE., M.Si