%A NIM.: 13620046 Bagus Ramadhan Habibi %O Pembimbing : Drs. Nur Untoro, M.Si. %T SISTEM MONITORING DAN KONTROL PENGISIAN BATERAI PEMBANGKIT LISTRIK TENAGA BAYU MENGGUNAKAN ARDUINO UNO DAN DATA LOGGER MICROSD %X The Battery to store the electrical energy generated by wind turbines require charging monitoring and control. Battery-charging monitoring and control at PLTB (Wind Powerplant) still uses manual method, while the wind speed condition is uncertain, so that monitoring and control tools are needed to handle it automatically. The research is aimed to make a 50 Ah wet battery charging system which is able to monitor and control automatically using Arduino Uno and MicroSD data logger. The sensors used are turbine voltage sensor (Vt), battery voltage sensor (Vb), and ACS71220A current sensor. Data from each sensor is stored in the MicroSD in realtime using the DS3231SN modules. Data from the sensors is also displayed directly on the LCD 20x4. OV and OC conditions occur repeatedly while the testing. OV and OC conditions cause the dummy load active. One of the conditions of OV during testing was recorded when the Vt 14,83 V with the Vt limit on the program was 14,80 V. The OC condition was recorded when the Vb 13,85 V with the Vb limit in the program was 13,80. Such conditions indicate that the device already worked according to the program. %K Arduino Uno, data logger, control, MicroSD, monitoring, Over Charging (OC), Over Voltage (OV), realtime %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib43920