%A NIM.: 13730032 Ratih Nahar %O Pembimbing: Dr. Rama Kertamukti, S.Sos., MSn., %T Kegiatan City Branding Pada Pengelolaan Kabupaten Kudus Sebagai Kota Modern, Religius, Cerdas Dan Sejahtera %X The strategy of city branding conducted by Kudus Regency by looking at tourism sector opportunities combines the concept of tourism and the values of Religion (religious tourist destinations). This research is a qualitative study with the Research Object of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Holy City area. The subject of his research is the Head of Field and Promotion Section of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Kudus Regency. The method of data collection is Direct Observation, Interview and Archive Recording. The validity of the data is carried out using the triangulation method The results showed that the provincial government and private parties supported city branding activities. In general, the branding of Kudus Regency nationally has begun to form in the community as a religious city and kretek city. But internationally, Kudus Regency still has to continue to brand massif. This is because internationally Kudus Regency is not widely known such as Yogyakarta Special Region Province and Bali Province. %K City branding; komunikasi pemasaran; marketing communication %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib43958