%A NIM: 18204030043 Nurhikmah Pohan %O Prof. Dr. Hj. Marhumah, M.Pd. %T IMPLIMENTASI PENDEKATAN METODE KISAH QUR’AN NILAI RELIGIUS DAN MORAL DI RA AR-RAUDHAH ANAK USIA DINI KOTA SIBOLGA SUMATERA UTARA %X Implimentation of the Qur'anic Story Method Approach for Moral Cultivation The Qur'anic Story method has an impact on Moral, Values and Religious Understanding because learning that does tell directly about the behavior of the prophets and stimulates early childhood politeness and maximizes the potential in children. The influence of teachers on students is very large and very decisive in overcoming these problems in order to be able to have a positive impact on children, so in the cultivation of early childhood morals, besides being useful to facilitate teaching, can also be used as a tool that can attract children's attention. Therefore, this study examines several focus problems, namely: 1) How to implement the approach to the Qur'anic story method of religious and moral values in RA Ar-Raudhah Sibolga, North Sumatra. 2) What are the characteristics of the method of the Qur'anic story of religious and moral values in early childhood in RA Ar-Raudhah Sibolga, North Sumatera. This type of research is qualitative research with a developmental psychology approach, namely analyzing the understanding of values and morals. The data source is this RA has implemented in the selection for the entrek period using. The data collection method uses observation, interviews, documentation. The data analysis techniques used were data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. The theory used by the researcher is the theory from Vygotsky in the Qur'anic story of children's cognitive understanding developing with what has been told about the nature and behavior of the Prophets because it is related to a child's conscious mind. The increasing amount of coordination and control of the child's cognitive world develops rapidly, more creative, free imaginative. The results of this study are: 1) the implementation that has been carried out by the teacher RA AR-Raudhah Sibolga North Sumatra on the moral values of regilius has aroused understanding of students, through the method of the Qur'anic story, children can understand the traits suggested by Allah SWT, through the nature and behavior of the prophets, and teachers have implemented the method of the qur'an story to teach religious values and morals to early childhood so as to foster a character of students who are polite and obedient to their parents and teachers do good deeds and leaving what is prohibited. 2) the characteristics of the method of the Qur'am story in RA AR-Raudhah Sibolga, North Sumatra have fostered self-confidence, respect for others and children understand and are independent in doing all things, make children share and help others, appropriate methods make children more disciplined in Every game and story is in accordance with the established rules and children are able to control their language speech towards their peers and teachers. %K Qur'anic story method, religious values and morals, early childhood %D 2021 %I PASCASARJANA %L digilib43998