%A NIM: 18204030045 Arisna Wahyuni %O Dr. Sigit Purnama, S.Pd.I., M. Pd. %T IMPLEMENTASI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE MAKE A MATCH DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN KEMAMPUAN PERILAKU PROSOSIAL DAN BERPIKIR SIMBOLIK PADA ANAK KELOMPOK B DI TK PERTIWI I %X This research was conducted and motivated by anxieties about seeing education that occurs in Indonesia, which only views the successof an institution from final value. Obtained by the child and only focises on cognitive development only. So that excludes other developments in social development on prosocial indicators, because in fact humans are social creatures who need each other. Therefore, how does the cognitive and aspects of vio develop in balance, one of which is prosocial behavior and symbolic thinking can develop simultaneously. These problems an anticipatory step is taken to prevent the dissolution of the dilemma in these conditions, by providing a learning process that can develop through the cooperative learning model make a match type. This is one of the strategies given that children develop very rapidly at an early age. This research was conducted at TK Pertiwi 1 Kandangan in the first semester of the 2020/2021 school year. The objectivesof this research were 1) to describe how cooperative learning best practice types make a match in TK Pertiwi 1. 2) presenting the implications of the application of make a match cooperative learning on the development of prosocial behavior and symbolic thinking in TK Pertiwi 1 Kandangan a qualitative approach with a case study strategy. Sources of data were obtained from several informants, namely the principal, classroom teachers and parents. The type of data data used was data obtained from observation, interviews and documentation. The strategy of the validity of the data used a technique from Creswell which consists of several stages 1) processing and preparing data. 2) read the entire data. 3) analyze more by coding the data. 4) apply the coding process. 5) description. 6) interpret or interpret the data. The results showed that the use of the type of cooperative learning, make a match in TK Pertiwi 1 gave a positif impact on the development of prosocial behavior and symbolic thinking. Prosocial behavior in students has developed according to the age stages of students. The indicators of prosocial behavior include playing with friends, knowing the feelings of others sharing with others, respecting the opinions of others, being cooperative with friends, showing a tolerant attitude and expressing accordingly emotions. The prosocial behavior of students can be seen when they are in school and everyday life. As for the symbolic thinking aspects of students, they have also developed according to the age stages of the students vowels and consonants %K Make A Match, Prosocial Behavior, Symbolic Thinking %D 2021 %I PASCASARJANA %L digilib43999