%A NIM: 19200010020 Ahmad Husein, S.I.Q., S. Ag %O Dr. Moch. Nur Ichwan, S. Ag., M.A. %T TAFSIR AYAT-AYAT MANAZIL AL-AKHLAK ABDURRA’UF AL-SINKILI DALAM KITAB TANBIH AL-MASYI DAN TARJUMĀN AL-MUSTAFĪD %X This research describes the sufistic concept which> mana>zil al-akhla>k 'Abdurra'ūf al-Sinkilī in his book Tanbi>h al-Ma>syi>, a book of Sufism and Tarjumān Al-Mustafīd, an interpretation of the Koran. This thesis uses library research with Jorge's hermeneutic approach. J.E. Gracia and historical. The object of this research is the concept of which man>azil al-akhla>k in two works of Abdurra> 'uf al-Sinki> li, namely: in Tanbi>h Al-Ma>syi and Tarjuma>n Al-Mustafi>d, the two works become the primary source of this research. Meanwhile, the secondary sources are historical books, Sufism, commentary and research on Abdurra> 'uf al-Sinki>li. This thesis answers three problems, namely, what are the characteristics of Abdurra> 'uf al-Sinki> li in Tanbi>h Al-Ma>syi and Tarjuma>n Al-Mustafi>d? How are the similarities and differences in the interpretation of which mana>zil al-akhlak 'in the two books? Why are there similarities and differences in interpreting which verses mana>zil al-akhla>k in the two books? This study found, firstly that the character of Abdurra> u'f al-Sinki> li thought in the Tanbi>h Al-Ma>syi> character was mystical-philosophical in nature, while Tarjuma>n Al-Mustafi>d was in the form of sharia. formalists. Second, al-Sinkili interprets which verses mana>zil al-akhla>k in Tarjuma>n al-Mustafi>d by emphasizing more on the textual (exoteric meaning) or literal meaning, whereas in Tanbi>h Al-Ma>syi >, he emphasized the inner meaning (esoteric meanig) by looking for the implied meaning in the text of the Koran. Al-Sinki> li also emphasized wasatiyyah (moderation) in interpreting religion so that it was accepted by opposing circles between Nuruddin al-Rani>ri and Hamzah al-Fansu>ri. Third, the difference in the interpretation of which mana>zil al-akhla>k occurs because al-Sinki>li considers the target audience (audience) of the two books, Tanbi>h Al-Ma>syi> was written for Sufism while Tarjuma>n al-Mustafi>d for the Islamic community and the general public. %K Abdurra'ūf al-Sinkilī, Tanbih Al-Masyi, Tarjuman al-Mustafd and which verses manazil al-akhlak %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib44055