%A NIM: 19204010045 Rima Yuni Saputri %O Prof. Dr. H. Sangkot Sirait, M.Ag %T INTERAKSI EDUKATIF GURU PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DALAM MEMBANGUN SIKAP KESALEHAN SOSIAL PESERTA DIDIK DI SMA NEGERI 3 MARTAPURA %X The background of the study related to learning practice of PAI that still concentrated on cognitibe theories solely from the growth of Islamic valuea and ignored the guidance of affective and conative-volitive, namely willpower and desire ti implement Islamic values with the result that discrepancy between religious understanding and behaviors arose in everyday life. It is found that there were man people having piety individually but not socially. Based on this problem, it was essential that research conducts further research about educational interaction of Islamic religious education teachers towards students‟ social piety. This research was a qualitative research with sociological approach. The technique of collecting data used was with observation, interview, and documentation, while data analysis used was qualitative, namely data reduction, data presentation, conclusion and verivication. In addition, the credibelity of data in this research was data triangulation, namely time, space, and person triangulation. This research show that: First of all, educational interaction of Islamic religious education teachers at SMA Negeri 3 Martapura was implemented with some activities. Teaching-learning activities of PAI are to accustom students to pray in the beginning and ending of the class, to give a preception toward the provious intructional material, to master and to deliver the intructional material well and to connect it to society‟s problem in life, to create the exciting learning atmosphere with assistance of learning and methods and strategy, to behave toward students in objective, inclusive, and frank way, or not discriminative way, to give an evaluation to measure students‟ understanding toward the instructional material. Additional teaching-learning processes of PAI are to accustom Islamic teaching values through religious events available at school, such as praying Dhuha, Dhuhur, and Ashar together, Mabit, and Mar‟atus Shalihah, as well as to accustom Sapta Mulia, Tujuh Budi Utama, and Sepuluh Budaya Malu SMA Negeri 3 Martapura, to give examples of uswatun khasanah like to behave in positive and diciplined ways for worship, to give advice and motivation to students abaout the balance of the affairs of the world and the hereafter. Secondly, the intractional education teachers of PAI gave implication about building social piety of students that was reflected by their behavior in the forms of loving respecting and helping one other and also enforcing justice and discussing. The third, the supporting factors of intractional education of Islamic religious education teachers in building the social piety of SMA Negeri 3 Martapura was in individual approach and group approach conducted by Islamic religious education teachers. In understanding students characters which was supported by some other factor such as religion, organization (Rohis), and coorperation of Islamic religious education teachers and all stakeholders of school that was supportes by good facilities. The inhibiting factors that influence are the lack of support from parents and different backgrounds of students. %K Educational Interaction, Social Piety %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib44083