@mastersthesis{digilib44089, month = {April}, title = {PROBLEMATIKA PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA ARAB BAGI MAHASISWA DIFABEL PADA MASA COVID-19}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM : 19204020007 Dewi Masruroh}, year = {2021}, keywords = {Arabic Language Learning, Students with Disabilities, Covid-19 Pandemic}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/44089/}, abstract = {The covid-19 pandemic has changed the world's learning system with changes from non-virtual to virtual. As change occurs, it raises new problems in the world of education, especially for people with disabilities. Based on this, researchers conducted research at UIN Sunan Kalijaga which was related to the problems of learning Arabic by disabled students faced during the Covid-19 pandemic. The focus of the problems discussed in this thesis are: 1) Learning Arabic during the Covid-19 pandemic. 2) The problems of learning Arabic during the Covid-19 pandemic. 3) Lecturers' efforts in overcoming problematic responses to learning Arabic during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The data collection techniques used interviews, observation, and documentation. Meanwhile, to determine the validity of the data by using triangulation techniques. The results of this study indicate that learning Arabic for students with disabilities during the pandemic was carried out in virtual classes using synchronous and asynchronous media. Then, there are two problems in learning Arabic, namely: first, linguistically: differences in the pronunciation of Arabic letters for the deaf in the inclusion class, difficulty understanding Arabic grammar, difficulty writing Arabic Brille letters. second, non-linguistically: the existence of students with disabilities in the class that is not well known, the people around them are less aware of digital accessibility for people with disabilities, the lack of assistants / notaries. Lecturers' efforts in overcoming the problems of learning Arabic have not been maximal. So far, the efforts made by the lecturer have only provided republished material via personal WA. So it is important for lecturers to ask about students with disabilities before the class starts, it is important for lecturers to provide material that is accessible to students with disabilities, it is important for lecturers to ask whether there are assistants or not for disabled students.} }