%A NIM 16810096 MUHAMMAD ROUF ROZIN %O Dr. MUHAMMAD GHAFUR WIBOWO, S.E., M.Sc. %T VALUASI EKONOMI WISATA TAMAN SUNGAI MUDAL DENGAN PENDEKATAN BIAYA PERJALANAN ( TRAVEL COST METHOD) DI KABUPATEN KULONPROGO YOGYAKARTA %X The purpose of this study was to determine the size of the economic valuation indicated by the consumer surplus and the amount of willingness to pay from the mudal river park tourism. Then to be able to find out the variable travel costs, income, education, age, and distance have a significant effect on the rate of visits per 1000 population per year and know the market analysis (trend) regarding the demand for the number of visits to the Mudal River Park tourism in the coming years. This research uses travel cost analysis method, regression analysis and trend analysis. The empirical model chosen is a form of linear regression using the Ordinary Least Squraes (OLS) method. The sample in this study were 60 people who were taken from visitors to the Taman Mudal River tour. The sample selection was carried out using purposive sampling method. From the results of data analysis it is known that the characteristics of the respondents based on the level of income, the average visitor income is Rp. 1,403,083, with an average age level of 22 years of productive age. The consumer surplus of Taman Mudal River tourism is IDR 2,151,206,140.00 and the total WTP is IDR 1,440.96 visitors. The five independent variables used, namely travel costs, income, education, distance, age are significant at the 5% significance level. The trend of the number of visits tends to increase with an average monthly visit of 2039 people. %K Economic valuation, Travel cost method, Consumer Surplus, Willingness to Pay, Travel costs, income, education level, age, distance. %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib44161