%A NIM. 17101050001 Seruni Adlan Dwiyanti %O Dr. Ening Herniti, M.Hum %T METAPHOR AND EMOTION USED IN SUMMER’S UTTERANCES AS SEEN IN JINN (2018) MOVIE: SOCIO-SEMANTICS APPROACH A GRADUATING PAPER %X Nowadays, language can be a tool or medium for people to express their thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Metaphor that exists in language is one of a tool in language to express people emotion. Metaphor also is not only used in a nonliteral sense, but it is also in people’s daily conversation or utterances. The metaphor that is used by people in their daily conversation is called as conceptual metaphor. Daily conversation can appear in the media such as movie. The researcher chooses a movie by Nijla Mu’min entitled Jinn (2018) as the object of analysis. The main character of the movie usually uses metaphor in her daily utterances and conversation. Then, the research aims to study whether the metaphors used by the main character can acommodate her emotions or not. This research applies Lakoff and Johnson’s Conceptual Metaphor theory, Zoltan Kovecses’ Metaphor and Emotion theory, and supporting theory by Dell Hymes’ Ethnography of communication to answer the proposed question. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative and library research. The researcher has found 16 metaphors of the conceptual metaphors and 6 emotions in main character’s utterances. Those are 6 structural metaphor, 7 ontological metaphor, and 4 orientational metaphor. Also, there are 2 happiness emotion, 9 sadness emotion, 2 fear emotion, 1 surprised emotion, 1 love emotion, and 1 anger emotion. Based on the results, ontological metaphor becomes the most used metaphor in the main character’s utterances, and sadness emotion is the most used emotion in the main character’s Jinn (2018) movie. %K conceptual metaphor, Emotion, Ethnography of Communication, Jinn movie %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib44223