%A NIM.: 18204031007 Raden Roro Nazauma Nareswara Wulantaka %O Pembimbing : Dr. H. Khamim Zarkasih Putro, M.Si. %T STRATEGI MEMBANGUN KEMANDIRIAN ANAK DI TK ISLAM BINA LEMBAGA MANDING BANTUL DAN RA TIARA CHANDRA KRAPYAK BANTUL %X Independence is one of the most important characters to develop or instill in children. The problems examined in this study are: (1) How the levels of children’s independence in Islam Bina Lembaga Kindergarten Manding Bantul and RA Tiara Chandra Krapyak Bantul. (2) How the strategy tobuild children’s independence in Islam Bina Lembaga Kindergarten Manding Bantul and RA Tiara Chandra Krapyak Bantul. (3) How is the comparison of independence in Islam Bina Lembaga Kindergarten Manding Bantul and RA Tiara Chandra Krapyak Bantul. There are three main results that this study has successfully proved. First, the level of students’ independence in Islam Bina Lembaga Kindergarten Manding Bantul and RA Tiara Chandra Krapyak Bantul is reflected in the students’ ability to carry out the following activity indicator: (a) students can be left by parents while in school and (b) students can do activities independently, such as eating, toilet training, wearing/taking off clothes, taking out trash, washing hands, brushing teeth, and wearing their own shoes. Second, the strategy tobuild children’s independencein Islam Bina Lembaga Kindergarten Manding Bantul and RA Tiara Chandra Krapyak Bantul is found to have influences in these caharacteristics: (a) Educators prepare materials to properly train students’ independence; (b) Educators submit students’ independence reports; (c) Educators establish good communication with parents; (d) Educators are in charge of handling and evaluating students; (e) Educators apply teaching that is not coercive, provides compassion, and an example when practicing independence; (f) Educators emphasize the need to maintain discipline in training independence; (g) Educators train students’ independence according to the existing rules applied by (Education Ministry/Schools’ Foundations). Third, Comparison of children's independence at Islamic Kindergarten Bina Lembaga Manding Bantul and RA Tiara Chandra Krapyak Bantul: The level of independence of children in Islamic Kindergarten Bina Lembaga Manding Bantul is more dominated by showing the independence of children at home. when on the move at school. In TK Islam Bina Lembaga Manding Bantul, there are 7 strategies 6 advantages 2 weaknesses strategy and RA Tiara Chandra 8 strategy 3 advantages 1 strategy weakness %K Kemandirian Anak , TK Islam Bina Lembaga Manding Bantul, RA Tiara Chandra Krapyak Bantul %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib44245