%A NIM.: 18204080031 Miptah Parid %O Pembimbing : Dr. Istiningsih M.Pd. %T KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL ANTARA PENDIDIK DAN PESERTA DIDIK DALAM PEMBELAJARAN DARING DI KELAS VI A MIN 1 YOGYAKARTA %X This study aims to: 1) describe the interpersonal communication model between educators and students in online learning in class VI A MIN 1 Yogyakarta City; 2) describe the interpersonal communication process between educators and students in online learning in class VI A MIN 1 Yogyakarta City. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was performed by means of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. This study resulted in two conclusions, namely: 1) The interpersonal communication model between educators and students in online learning in class VI A MIN 1 Yogyakarta, namely: (1) linear (one-way) model that is when educators remind students to activate the mute button in the application zoom so that the voice does not occur in trouble, when educators order students to be conducive to following online learning, then when students collect assignments via whatsapp chat; (2) interaction model (two-way), two-way communication between educators and students using the WhatsApp video call application to interact with each other; (3) transactional model (many directions), multidirectional communication is carried out between educators and students, namely by using the WhatsApp group and collaborating with the VIB class using the zoom application. 2) The process of interpersonal communication between educators and students in online learning in class VI A MIN 1 Yogyakarta, namely: (1) understanding. the online learning process so that messages can be conveyed using a laptop or cellphone installed with the zoom application, google meet, WhatsApp and other applications, using clear and easy to understand language, learning media used by PowerPoint, videos, pictures and direct practice through live zoom; (2) providing fun, namely motivating students, delivering material in a friendly manner and using fun learning media; (3) influence attitudes. Changes in positive attitudes of students in online learning, namely more discipline in using time, independent learning, and mutual respect when someone talks using the zoom application; (4) improve relationships. interpesaonal communication process in online learning in building good relationships between educators and students, namely by showing openness, being attentive, carrying out ice breaking and making an approach through video calls; (5) action. The real action after the implementation of online learning interpersonal communication is that students are able to appreciate the educator or their friends while talking using the zoom application, get used to reading books for five minutes before starting learning and use polite and neat and orderly clothes following learning from start to finish learning. %K Komukasi Interpersonal, Pendidik, Peserta Didik, Pembelajaran Daring %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib44259