%A NIM.: 18204080041 Safikri Taufiqurrahman %O Pembimbing : NIM. 18204080041 %T UPAYA GURU DALAM MENGATASI KESULITAN BELAJAR SISWA PADA MATA PELAJARAN IPS DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 (STUDI KASUS PADA SISWA KELAS 5 SD MUHAMMADIYAH KARANGBENDO YOGYAKARTA) %X Researchers want to conduct research at Muhammadiyah SD Karangbendo Yogyakarta in order to find out how the social studies learning process in grade 5 is appropriate or not with existing theories, so that the learning process is in accordance with the nature of social studies learning. Likewise, there are not many studies that examine this research, although there are they only discuss learning difficulties in learning science, learning difficulties in mathematics, learning difficulties in social studies economics, while this research examines the factors of learning difficulties from the internal aspect which can be seen from the aspects of conceptual understanding, intellectual, interest, motivation and talents while external factors can be seen from the aspects of the learning process and school facilities / infrastructure. This research is oriented towards qualitative research with a descriptive method where the researcher intends to describe or describe an event, namely the factors that cause learning difficulties in social studies subjects in grade 5 SD Muhammadiyah Karangbendo by looking at how the learning process is. The type of data obtained from direct observation and recording of events through observation, interviews and documentation. Meanwhile, secondary data is data that already exists and is related to research problems obtained through literature studies. The results of this study indicate first, students named Padillah, Syafwan Filazuardi, Bagas Guna, Affan Miftahul Khasanah and Barakanindra Ahmad Yasir belong to the learning disorder type difficulties. Whereas what happened in grade 5B students named: Raditya, Zuhair, Bima, Azahra, Maharani, and Dedy were included in the learning disfunction types of learning difficulties. Second, Syafwan, Bagas from grade 5A and Bima from grade 5B the causes of learning difficulties occur because of understanding concepts, Maharani, participants in grade 5B, the cause of learning difficulties occurs because of intellectual, Barakanindra class 5A and class 5B the cause of learning difficulties occurs because of lack of interest in social studies learning, Azahra Class 5B causes learning difficulties due to a lack of motivation in him to study social studies material, Affan class 5A causes learning difficulties because his talent is lacking in memorization so it is difficult to memorize social studies materials, Deddy in class 5B causes learning difficulties to occur because the learning process likes to sleep in the classroom so that they do not understand the social studies material taught by the teacher, Padillah grade 5A causes learning difficulties that occur because of the disinterest in the learning media used by the teacher so that they are lazy to listen to the material being taught. Third: Efforts made by the madrasah: streamlining learning, making visits to students' homes, providing rewards, and viii providing positive habituation., Class 5A homeroom teacher: linking social studies material with daily life, conducting evaluations, seeing values followed by interviews with parents of students., homeroom teacher of class 5B: linking social studies material to students' daily lives, doing learning outside the classroom, entrusting student development more to their parents because students spend more time at home because learning is still online %K Kesulitan Belajar, Jenis Kesulitan Belajar, Upaya %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib44276