%A NIM. 16710041 Siti Nurhalimah %O Nuristighfari Masri Khaerani, S.Psi., M.Si. %T HUBUNGAN ATTACHMENT KELUARGA DAN AGREEABLENESS DENGAN SELF COMPASSION PADA REMAJA DI YOGYAKARTA %X This reaserach aims to determine the relationship between family attachment and Agreeableness with Self Compassion among adolescents in Yogyakarta. Self compassion is a feeling of compassion or be kind toward oneself. Self compassion is influenced by several factors including attachment and agreeableness. Attention itself refers to how attachment exists between parents and children from an early age, meanwhile agreeableness are characteristics that exist in individuals that refer to friendly, sincere, trustworthy, honest, straightforward, helpful and compassionate, happy to involve oneself in caring for others.The method used in this research is quantitative with 3 research scales: Attcahment scale which amounted to 22 items, Agreeableness scale which amounted to 13 items and Self compassion scale which amounted to 23 items. The research was conducted in the province of Yogyakarta Special Region, with a total of 412 participants. Quantitative analysis uses analytical multiple regression techniques. The sampling used is quota sampling techniques. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between family attachment and agreeableness simultaneously with self compassion. The effective contribution to self compassion was 23.9%. %K Agreeableness, Attachment, and Self compassion %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib44310