%A NIM.: 18205010097 Miftahul Jannah, S. Ag %O Pembimbing : Dr. H. Zuhri, S.Ag. M.Ag. %T PEMBACAAN ANNEMARIE SCHIMMEL ATAS PEMIKIRAN TASAWUF JALALUDDIN RUMI %X The thesis entitled "Annemarie Schimmel's Reading on Jalaluddin Rumi's Sufism Thesis" was compiled by Miftahul Jannah NIM. 18205010097 Program Study Magister of Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Islamic Thought UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. This study was conducted to analyze the results of Annemarie Schimmel's reading of Jalaluddin Rumi's Sufism thinking, considering that Rumi was a very influential Sufi poet in Western circles. The presence of Rumi, who laid a new foundation for the world of Sufism, has been able to attract the attention of various groups, especially orientalists who have devoted their lives to studying Islam, such as Sufism. Annemarie Schimmel has attempted to read and reconfigure Rumi's Sufism ideas which were previously contaminated by several teachings outside of it, so that these ideas are understood separately from the essence of Islam, especially in Western circles. In addition, the reading of Schimmel becomes a bridge in improving the negative image of Islam, as well as being able to create a sense of mutual understanding between the West and the East by introducing Rumi's Sufism. Seeing how much influence Rumi has in Schimmel's hands, it is very important to put forward how intense Schimmel's reading is of Rumi's ideas, especially about God and mahabbah. This research is included in the type of library research (library research) using the descriptive-analysis method. Through this method, the problem is clearly formulated in order to find out how Schimmel reads Rumi's Sufism, especially Rumi's ideas about God and mahabbah. In addition, this study uses the phenomenological theory of Edmund Husserl which attempts to describe Schimmel's reading of the nature of Rumi's Sufism. The results showed that Schimmel's use of the phenomenological method, which emphasizes objectivity, has implications for the purification of Rumi's ideas which retain their poetic essence, but are still full of meaning. Schimmel's reading of Rumi's idea of God shows that God is understood as appearing in all external things. This view has implications for the understanding that awareness of God which is built on the basis of love will lead a person to awareness of others (prophetic awareness). Meanwhile, the mahabbah is the main way as well as a universal force that can lead humans to unite with God. Furthermore, mahabbah must be chosen as a way of life to achieve spiritual goals. Mahabbah is also an effective and accelerative path taken to reach the highest level of union with God. Rumi made a very significant contribution to Sufism discourse in the West. Previously, Sufism was seen as belonging to Muslims which was not suitable for consumption by them (the West). However, this view was refuted by Schimmel by introducing the idea of Rumi's Sufism, that Rumi's teachings were able to penetrate religious and cultural barriers. %K Pembacaan, Annemarie Schimmel, Tasawuf, Jalaluddin Rumi %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib44401