%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Kia Monika, Nim: 19204030026 %B FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN %D 2021 %F digilib:44595 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Early childhood education, online learning, interest in learning %P 193 %T MINAT BELAJAR ANAK USIA DINI PADA SISTEM PEMBELAJARAN DARING SELAMA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 (Studi Kasus 3 TK Kabupaten Aceh Tengah) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/44595/ %X The Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on the Early Childhood Education level to participate in implementing an online learning system in their respective schools. The online learning system is a face-to-face learning system that has never been implemented in the Kindergarten District of Central Aceh. Therefore, this online learning system greatly affects children's learning interest. The purpose of this study is to find out how the form of children's interest in learning in online learning systems and how online learning affects children's learning interests and the impact of the application of online learning systems on children's interest in learning in 3 kindergartens in Central Aceh District. This study uses a naturalistic qualitative research method, which is a study that uses natural situations without any changes, which aims to understand events or conditions naturally without any interference which is described using writing or words. The results showed that the form of children's learning interest in the online learning system can vary depending on the RPPH and also the RPPM applied, but overall it can be seen from the form of assignments collected through the form of photos, videos and also voice messages that describe the various expressions of the child. Children's learning interest is also greatly influenced by internal and external factors, so that if this factor is disturbed, the child's interest in learning will also have an effect. The impact of this online learning system is also more dominant in negative impacts, considering that this online learning system is applied when new children enter school or during the admission period of new students, so they do not know the teacher and friends at school. %Z Dr. H. Suyadi, S.Ag., M.A.