@mastersthesis{digilib44599, month = {December}, title = {INTERVENSI PEMERINTAH TERHADAP HARGA PASAR (ANALISIS PUTUSAN MAHKAMAH AGUNG NOMOR 15P/HUM/2018 TERHADAP PASAL 65 HURUF E PERATURAN MENTERI PERHUBUNGAN NOMOR PM 108 TAHUN 2017 TENTANG PENYELENGGARAAN ANGKUTAN ORANG DENGAN KENDARAAN BERMOTOR UMUM TIDAK DALAM TRAYEK MENURUT PANDANGAN IBNU TAIMIYAH)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 16203010016 Abdul Habib Mudzakir, S.H.I.}, year = {2020}, note = {Pembimbing : Dr. Abdul Mughits, S.Ag., M.Ag.,}, keywords = {Transportasi Online, Promosi Tarif, Ibnu Taimiyah}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/44599/}, abstract = {The existence of transportation services is one of the technological advances in the field of transportation in the 21st century. The government regulates online transportation services with the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation, but the regulation undergoes three (3) revisions that are ultimately revoked by the Supreme Court no.15/HUM/2018. One of the material test objects proposed is Article 65 letter e. In its ruling, the judge rejected the object of the material test and categorized it as an excluded verdict. Based on the rule of law on the establishment of legislation, Article 65 letter e is null and void, because it reloads the previous permenhub legal norms that have been decided on the Supreme Court justices No. 37P/HUM/2017 which is considered contrary to the higher Law. Based on these problems, the problem that can be formulated is Whether Article 65 letter e and Article 28 section (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) on the Supreme Court justices No. 15P/HUM/2018 are the Norms of Paired Law? and How is Ibn Taimiyah's View on Article 65 letter e concerning the promotion of Online transportation fares on the Supreme Court justices No. 15P/HUM/2018? This research includes the type of library research and is descriptive-analysis using a juridical-normative approach. While the source of legal materials used is primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The data analysis method used is the Multidisciplinary Interpretation method which is a method of interpretation of the law by analyzing legal problems from various other disciplines. Article 65 letter e is not the legal norm in pairs with Article 28 section (1), (2), (3), (4), (5). In general, give promotional rates to below the lower limit tariff carried out by the company is not a form of problem that must be intervened by the government, because the promotion system provided does not harm the Service Users, Drivers or, other competitors online transportation companies. On Article 28 section (1) to (5), regulates the determination of upper limit tariffs and lower limit tariffs that become guidelines for all companies in setting rates for online transportation services, so that discussions are needed with all stakeholders. This needs to be done to protect consumers (Service Users) and partners (Drivers) from the company's arbitrariness in setting rates for online transportation services. Therefore, intervention from the government is necessary. While Ibn Taimiyah's view of Article 65 letter e which states that companies are prohibited from setting promotional rates below the lower limit tariff is a form of intervention that is prohibited and cannot be justified, because the provision of promotional rates below the market rate is a good way and something reasonable in the business world. The rise or fall of online transportation fares caused by supply and demand that occurs naturally or not because of injustice, then the government is prohibited to intervene in prices, because blocking online transportation companies from what is allowed by Allah is a mistake (ikrah bi gairi haq).} }