%A NIM: 19204030019 Aim Abdul Karim %O Dr. Imam Machali, S,Pd.I, M.Pd %T MANAJEMEN KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI PADA MASA COVID-19 DI TK ABA SAPEN YOGYAKARTA %X This research is motivated by curriculum management in kindergartens (TK) which must be prepared before the start of learning for effective learning from home (BDR) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The spread of COVID-19 has an impact on the education sector where the learning process which is usually carried out with a face-to-face system has changed to BDR. The Yogyakarta City Education Office has instructed PAUD institutions to create a special curriculum during BDR. With these instructions, educators and education staff are constrained in curriculum management due to the increasingly severe COVID-19 conditions and situation. Various efforts have been made by the Education Office of Yogyakarta City and PAUD institutions in preparing the curriculum so that the BDR curriculum can be completed, one of which is in TK ABA Sapen Yogyakarta. The research design used is qualitative verification. The research subjects were principals, teachers, curriculum development teams, foundations and school committees. Data collection techniques with direct observation, semi-structured interviews, documentation and triangulation. The data analysis technique was carried out using the Miles and Huberman technique, namely data reduction, data presentation and verification. The results showed that early childhood education curriculum management during the COVID-19 pandemic at TK ABA Sapen Yogyakarta: first, the curriculum design used was a learner-centered design that was child-centred and prioritized the role of the child. Second, the implementation of curriculum management consists of planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating the curriculum. Curriculum planning consists of analyzing subject matter, activities referring to the educational calendar, preparing annual programs, semester programs and weekly lesson plans. Organizing the curriculum consists of forming a curriculum development team, designing curriculum structures and distributing materials, schedule activities and learning media. The implementation of the curriculum consists of the process of teaching and learning activities, regulating the assessment and use of infrastructure. Curriculum evaluation consists of reflective and formative evaluation. Third, those involved in curriculum management include foundations, teachers and school committees. Foundations are directly involved in providing ideas (development) and making decisions (direction). Teachers are directly involved in curriculum implementers (implementers), curriculum aligners (adapters), curriculum developers (developers) and researchers (researchers). The committee is involved in providing input on activities, giving consideration and providing recommendations. Fourth, the problems contained in curriculum management during the COVID-19 pandemic were in the implementation of the curriculum including assignment collection, assessment limitations and for the use of information technology (IT). %K Curriculum Management, BDR Learning, COVID-19 Pandemic %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib44643