@mastersthesis{digilib44889, month = {May}, title = {ETIKA IMMANUEL KANT DAN RELEVANSINYA DENGAN ETIKA IBNU MISKAWAIH}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM: 19205010061 Atika Yulanda}, year = {2021}, note = {Dr. H. Muhammad Taufik, M.A}, keywords = {Immanuel Kant, Ethics, Ibnu Miskawaih's Ethics}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/44889/}, abstract = {The thesis entitled "Immanuel Kant's Ethics and Its Relevance to Ibnu Miskawaih's Ethics" is a study conducted to analyze Immanuel Kant's thoughts, especially related to ethics, considering that Immanuel Kant was a philosopher who was very influential on the philosophers after him. Immanuel Kant's ethics are based on good will. This ethic judges a good action based on good will or good wishes. Unlike other Western philosophers, the goal or consequence is not an assessment of the good or bad of an action. Good will based on duty as a determinant of moral action. Immanuel Kant's ethical views are non-consequentialist. The good or bad of an action is not based on the purpose but the good will or the intention in doing the action. This research is included in the type of library research using descriptive-analytical method. Through this method, the problem is clearly formulated with the aim of knowing how Immanuel Kant's ethics are, the relationship between ethics and happiness and their relevance to Ibn Miskawaih's ethics. This study uses ethical theory to analyze the ethics associated with Immanuel Kant. Ethics as a science that helps humans to observe moral reality critically. Ethics is a science, not a teaching. Ethics wants to understand why humans must follow moral teachings and how to take a responsible attitude in dealing with various moral teachings. There are several ethical theories, including eudamonism, hedonism, utilitarianism and deontology. The results showed that Immanuel Kant's thoughts, especially ethics, were analytical and sharp. Immanuel Kant's ethical system revolves around a question of duty or deontological ethics. Deontology is an ethical thought which states that the good or bad of an action is not measured by the consequences but based on the specific nature of the results it achieves. Immanuel Kant in his ethics does not contradict the difference in the principle of happiness from morality and practical reason does not require humans to reject the claim of happiness. In this case there is no necessity to explain happiness when duties are being questioned. Meanwhile, the relevance between Immanuel Kant's ethics and Ibn Miskawaih's ethics is that they are both rational because their ethics always presuppose freedom, universal goodness and obligations.} }