%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Muammar Yahya, NIM.: 17204010078 %B FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN %D 2020 %F digilib:44946 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Media Sosial, Motivasi, Belajar %P 187 %T PENGARUH ADIKSI BERJEJARING SOSIAL TERHADAP MOTIVASI DAN INTENSITAS BELAJAR PAI SISWA MAN SURAKARTA 2019/2020 %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/44946/ %X In this globalization era, now the internet is already familiar in society. Themost used and popular in society is the existence of social network. The impact ofusing social networks are very diverse, there are positive and negative impacts.Studentds as the largest user of social networks may affect the teaching andlearning process. Which interperes with motivation and learning intensity.Therefore its necesary to do furtjer research about How does Social NetworkAddiction Effect on Students' Motivation and Learning Intensity of IslamicEducation. The purpose of this researchs are:(1) to determine the level of addiction tostudents' social network at MAN Surakarta in academic years 2019/2020 (2) to determine the level of students motivation at MAN Surakarta in academic years2019/2020 (3) to determine the intensity level of students islamic educationlearning at MAN Surakarta in academic years 2019/2020 (4) to find out whetherthere is a signigicant influence on Social Network Addiction on StudentsMotivation and Learning Intensity of Islamic Education at MAN Surakarta inacademic years 2019/2020. This type of research is quantitative correlational. This research wasconducted in MAN Surakarta consisting of MAN 1 Surakarta and MAN 2 Surakarta. The population taken was all eleventh grade students of MANSurakarta in academic years 2019/2020, with a total population of 779. While thesample of this research are 243 students. The data collected was tested for thenormality requirements with the Chi Kuadrat” formula. And to test thesignificance of the hypothesis using Korelasi Product Moment formula. Based on the result of the research it can be conclude that the level of socialnetworking addiction is 54,8% in the medium category. While the Motivationlevel is 62,5% in the medium category too. While the Intensity level of StudentsIslamic Education Learning is 71,2% in the medium category as well. Based on the result of data analysis using the Product Moment Corelation, itcan be concluded that there is a significant negative effect between socialnetworking addiction on motivation and intensity of learning islamic educationThe higher level of social networking addiction it mean the lower motivation andlearning of islamic education. %Z Pembimbing : Dr. Siti Fatonah, S.Pd., M.Pd