%A NIM.: 18200010044 Bekti Mar’atun Aisyiyah, S. Hum %O Pembimbing : Dr. Anis Masruri, S.Ag, S.IP. M.SI. %T PERILAKU BOOK SHAMING DI KALANGAN KOMUNITAS PECINTA BUKU DI YOGYAKARTA %X This thesis discusses the phenomenon of Book Shaming Behavior Among Book Lovers Community in Yogyakarta. The objects of this research are three book lovers communities in Yogyakarta, namely Mayoga Book Lovers, Bengkel Sastra Community, and Yogyakarta Book Club. The purpose of this study is to determine the background of the emergence of the book shaming phenomenon, as well as to see the form of behavior and the impact caused by book shaming behavior. Collective unconsciousness as an approach to explore individual behavior related to book shaming, through their activities, behavior, and social interactions. The research method used is a qualitative research method. The informants were selected by purposive sampling with the characteristics of community members who have done or experienced book shaming. The data analysis technique is through horizonalization, testural descriptions, structural descriptions, and descriptions of meanings and phenomena. Test the validity of the data using credibility, dependability, transferability, and confirmability. Based on the results of research, the emergence of the book shaming phenomenon is motivated by several factors, namely archetypes in the individual that give rise to an individual tendency to idolize someone and have standards in choosing reading books. The persona that emerges from the persona's actor's side is used as an excuse to criticize other people's reading because the book that is used as reading does not match the persona In terms of the object of book shaming, the persona in selecting reading books is based on the individual's acceptance in his social environment. Individual shadows that appear in social interactions related to the book shaming phenomenon are in the form of direct comments or criticisms that are expressed openly. And the animus anima that appears in an individual has an effect on the individual's attitude towards responding to the comments of the book shaming that he experiences. The form of book shaming behavior experienced by individuals in the book lover community includes being fanatical about one of the authors, feeling that they know the most about the interpretation of the contents of a book, giving stigma, and the notion that reading books is not an important activity. The impact caused by book shaming behavior is not being able to show what they read in their social environment, not being able to be themselves, not daring to give advice to others about books they like, and one positive impact that emerges is getting insight into new books. It is hoped that the book lovers community will become a social environment that supports the formation of a reading culture and the freedom of each individual to read the book that he wants or likes.. %K Book Shaming, Ketidaksadaran Kolektif, Komunitas Pecinta Buku %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib45019