%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Alya Nuur Rahmah, NIM.17107010031 %B FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL HUMANIORA %D 2021 %F digilib:45023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K positive parenting, the character of responsibility %P 135 %T POSITIVE PARENTING DAN KARAKTER TANGGUNG JAWAB PELAJAR SMP PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/45023/ %X This research a quantitative approach with correlational techniques. The purpose of this study was to determine the positive relationship between positive parenting and the character of student responsibility during the Covid-19 pandemic. The number of respondents used in this study were 91 grade VIII students at SMP. The sampling technique used in this study was cluster random sampling caused by the population of SMP X consisting of clusters or classes. The data collection technique of this research is by giving questionnaires to respondents in the form of google form through the WhatsApp group for each class because of conditions that are not yet possible to meet face to face. The results of this study indicate that: 1.) Based on the value of r count (Pearson Correlations): it is known that the value of r count for the positive parenting relationship with the character of responsibility is 0.530, it can be concluded that there is a relationship or correlation between the positive parenting variable and the character of responsibility. Because the r count or pearson correlations in this analysis are positive, it means that the relationship between the two variables is positive, or in other words, the increase in positive parenting, the higher the character of responsibility for junior high school students during the pandemic. 2.) The positive parenting variable gave an effective contribution of 28.1% to the responsibility character variable for junior high school students during the pandemic. %Z Dr. R. Rachmy Diana, M.A., Psi.