%A NIM.: 18200010067 Andi Tri Saputra %O Pembimbing : Dr. Phil. Sahiron Syamsuddin, M.A %T KONSEP HIERARKI NILAI DI DALAM AL-QUR’AN MENURUT ABDULLAH SAEED (SEBUAH KAJIAN HERMENEUTIKA FILOSOFIS HANS-GEORG GADAMER) %X The concept of the Hierarchy of Values is said to be one of the original findings of Abdullah Saeed, who is a thinker in the field of Al-Qur'an exegesis who continues the thoughts of contextual interpretation initiated by his predecessors, such as Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd, Fazlur Rahman and other figures. Thus, although the concept of the Hierarchy of Values is considered as an original finding of Abdullah Saeed, the author considers that there is a contribution to the thoughts of his predecessors in building this idea. To see this in detail, the author tries to research it using the Philosophical Hermeneutics theory initiated by Hans-Georg Gadamer, which in this case the author uses the theory of Historically Effected Consciousness and Fusion of Horizons theory (assimilation/merging of horizons), specifically to see the influence of history and knowledge horizon and text horizon in shaping the idea of this Hierarchy of Values concept. The concept of the Hierarchy of Values itself is an important part of Abdullah Saeed's exchange idea which he calls the Contextual Approach in Al-Qur'an Interpretation. In this concept Abdullah Saeed compiled five levels of ethico-legal verses which are considered important, and to see which verses are universal and which are bound to context. The five levels of Valuess are: (1) Obligatory Values, (2) Fundamental Values, (3) Protectional Values, (4) Implementational Values, (5) Instructional Valuess. The initial three levels in this Values level are considered by Saeed to be universal levels of the verses, while the last two levels are closely related to context. So that the last two Values are the most possible to be interpreted contextually and differently from the previous period. In the analysis of Philosophical Hermeneutics that the author uses, at least the context of Saeed's life, which is mostly spent in Australia, is an important part of shaping his thinking. Then, in building this idea, Abdullah Saeed himself said that at least he used 3 things in concocting the concept of the Hierarchy of Values: First, the 'proto-contextualist' which is in the exegesis of 'Umar bin Khattab; Second, the thoughts of the initiators of the maqashid syari'ah concept; Third, the Values-based approach to interpretation initiated by Fazlur Rahman. These three things are combined with the concept of 'right action' in the Qur'an which Saeed considers the essence of the verses of ethico-legal. From that meeting, the concept of the Hierarchy of Values finally emerged. %K Abdullah Saeed, Hierarki Nilai, Hermeneutika Filosofis %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib45029