%A NIM. 16620015 Sabina Laurel Andalusia %O Thaqibul Fikri Niyartama, S.Si., M.Si %T “ANALISIS LAPISAN LITOLOGI BAWAH PERMUKAAN BERDASARKAN GROUND PROFILE KECEPATAN GELOMBANG GESER ( %X Ratu Boko Temple is one of the historical heritages in Yogyakarta. Minimizing the damage to the temple, it is necessary to know the subsurface lithology layer in the Ratu Boko Temple Area. The purpose of this research is to analyze the value of shear wave velocity and the model subsurface lithology based on the shear wave velocity in the Ratu Boko Temple area. This research used the microtremor method conducted by Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency at Ratu Boko Temple and is processed to obtain shear wave velocity parameters. Data processing in which the HVSR method obtained the predominant frequency, the amplification factor to result the HV curve, and then inverted to produce the shear wave velocity value using the ellipticity curve method. Inversion processing used an ellipticity curve method resulted in ground profile modeling of shear wave velocity as an input for 3D subsurface lithology modeling. The study concluded that the predominant frequency ( %K ellipticity cureve, ground profile, shear wave velocity, subsurface litologhy %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib45148