@phdthesis{digilib45303, month = {April}, title = {REPRESENTASI KESETARAAN GENDER DALAM PEMBAGIAN KERJA PUSTAKAWAN DI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 16140033 Arum Maghfiroh}, year = {2021}, note = {Pembimbing : Dra. Labibah M.Lis}, keywords = {Gender, Kesetaraan Gender, Pembagian Kerja, Perpustakaan, Pustakawan}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/45303/}, abstract = {This research entitled the representation of gender equality in a work division towards librarian in UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library. This research aims to represent the condition of gender equality in the work division for the librarian in the library itself. This research uses the descriptive qualitative method. The data collection of this research was conducted by observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis techniques use data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The data validity test used observation extension, triangulation, and member checks. The results of this research show that, with the dominance of female librarians in the service sector (visitor services and technical services) and men in the field of information technology, it gives the impression of dominance in the structural sector. However, if it is investigated further, the male dominance in the field of information technology (IT) is because this competence happens to be owned by men. Then there is the women?s dominance in the service sector (library and technical) because the majority of librarians in the library of UIN Sunan Kalijaga are women. So that with the number of human resources, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library tries to maximize the existing human resources. Based on the gender analysis by Harvard model where reproductive activities, community social activities, as well as librarian access and control/benefits, do not show a significant difference, it's just the access and control/benefits in the field of information technology (IT) services receive less attention related to skills improvement training related to IT. So with this, the librarian division at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library does not highlight any gender bias/gaps because the work division is based on the abilities, competencies, and interests of each individual and if it is seen from the analysis of the Harvard model, male and female librarians tend to have the same rights and opportunities.} }