%A NIM.: 18200010157 Yulius Erick Tanabora %O Pembimbing : Mohammad Yunus, Lc., MA., Ph.D %T KYAI MOJO DAN POLITIK KHILAFAH PRA-MODERN: IMAJINASI KEPEMIMPINAN DI KALANGAN MUSLIM KAMPUNG JAWA TONDANO %X The caliphate as a concept and political system has been discussed between Kyai Mojo and Pangeran Diponegoro during the Java War. The thought of the Kyai Mojo caliphate at that time requires a strict division of power. Meanwhile, Pangeran Diponegoro wanted an absolute model of leadership. This difference of views made Kyai Mojo and Diponegoro's relationship beset by divisions. The exile of Kyai Mojo by the Dutch to Tondano made him continue the struggle for survival with his followers. Kyai Mojo's leadership eventually created a new Islamic civilization in Tondano. Both the Tondano Javanese Village and the Tondano Javanese tribe, still exist today. %K Kyai Mojo, Khilafah, dan Kampung Jawa Tondano %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib45349