@mastersthesis{digilib45372, month = {January}, title = {INTERAKSIONISME SIMBOLIK PUSTAKAWAN TERHADAP KUASA DISIPLIN PIMPINAN PERPUSTAKAAN STIKES BETHESDA YAKKUM YOGYAKARTA}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 18200010196 Rheza Ega Winastwan}, year = {2021}, note = {Pembimbing : Dr. Nurdin Laugu, S.Ag., S.S. M.A.}, keywords = {Interaksionisme Simbolik, Kuasa Disiplin, Pustakawan, Kepala Perpustakaan.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/45372/}, abstract = {Libraries as institutions that have human resources, including the head of the library and librarian, are inseparable from the element of interaction. The head of the library as an individual has power with various rules and policies, while the librarian as a subordinate has reason and sense, which is used to interpret the situation he faces. Also specifically react and interpret the power of library leaders. This thesis examines library leaders in exercising various disciplinary powers to librarians through regulatory mechanisms aimed at librarians and examines the librarian's meaning of leadership power. This thesis uses Herbert Mead's theory of symbolic interactionism and the disciplinary power of Michele Foucault. This research is a qualitative study with a descriptive approach. Data collection was carried out by means of interviews, observation and documentation. The data validity was done by triangulation. Data analysis was performed using the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results show, first, librarian symbolic interactionism practice is manifested with the mind (mind), namely librarians seek information about libraries and library leaders before joining the library. This information is used by librarians as a reference in behaving and acting in the library. Self (self) is manifested in a self-aware attitude that in an organizational structure librarian is only a subordinate and librarian indirectly must obey all the rules and policies issued by the head of the library. Symbolic interaction of librarians when interacting with the head of the library is by not dominating the conversation, not interrupting the conversation, and speaking with a soft voice intonation. Librarians also try to interpret the existing symbols in the library, such as organizational structure, seniority, and differences in positions. Meanwhile, the practice of the power of discipline of library leadership is manifested in, first, panopticism carried out by the head of the library in the form of personal policies regarding librarian working hours. Second, the distribution of the librarian's desk with the head of the library, but still in the same room with the letter u model. Third, documentation is realized in collecting information by using questionnaires filled out by lecturers and students. Fourth, standardization in the form of standards of behavior of library human resources in serving visitors according to Christian characteristics. Fifth, the reward is given by the head of the library to the majority librarian only verbally, both punishment and reward. Sixth, testing is realized in the use of DP3 which is carried out every semester by library leaders. The impact of librarian symbolic interactionism on the discipline power of library leaders, first is the inconsistency of the discipline power of library leaders. This inconsistency is manifested in library leaders who are easily carried away by feelings when librarians are unable to complete work. Second, the head of the library lacks assertiveness in giving final assessments to librarians in the form of assessments} }