%A NIM.: 18201020011 Abdul Aziz %O Pembimbing : Dr. Muhammad Wildan, MA. %T PERSEKUTUAN MUSLIM JAWA DAN ETNIS TIONGHOA MELAWAN BELANDA DALAM PERANG SABIL DI LASEM (1750 M) %X The dynamics of the relationship between the natives and ethnic Chinese throughout the history of the archipelago is an interesting study, especially in the Dutch colonial era. In the case of the Sabil war in Lasem in 1750, raised questions regarding their alliance against the Dutch, bearing in mind that many negative sentiments arose as a result of the Dutch racist policies at that time, especially as Chinese were an exclusive ethnicity, so this alliance is interesting to study. This research method is a historical research method starting from data collection, criticism, interpretation to historiography. The theory of resource mobilization, jihad and acculturation is used as an analysis tool as well as a research guide, with a sociological approach. The results of this study indicate that there are two factors in the occurrence of alliance between Javanese Muslims and Chinese ethnicities namely trigger and support factors. The trigger factors include social mobilization (the main axis of movement) and being the oppressed group. Then the supporting factors include, the existence of trade, business cooperation, marriage, and fraternity, and then give rise to acculturation and social assimilation, thus forming social integration. These supporting factors will be mobilized by figures to form social movements embodied in the Sabil war. %K Perang Sabil, Mobilisasi Sosial, Etnis Tionghoa dan Muslim Jawa. %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib45407