%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Sri Syafa’ati, NIM : 18204010055 %B PASCASARJANA %D 2021 %F digilib:45445 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Curriculum, Nature Based Curriculum, Development, Student Leadership. %P 201 %T PENGEMBANGAN STUDENT LEADERSHIP DI SMP IT ALAM NURUL ISLAM YOGYAKARTA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/45445/ %X The decline in moral values and character of adolescents can be found from various incidents and criminal acts that are increasingly prevalent. One of the influencing factors is the ineffective moral coaching carried out by families, schools and the surrounding community. The existing moral deviations are one of the causes of the leadership crisis in Indonesia. Thus, school as one of the pillars of education plays an important role in developing student leadership. SMP IT Alam Nurul Islam Yogyakarta is one of the schools that encourages student leadership development through the characteristic curriculum used, namely the nature based curriculum that aims to develop students faith, knowledge, leadership and business mentality. This research is a field research with a qualitative approach. While the research type technique is a case study. Data collection was carried out by three techniques, namely observation, interviews and documentation. To overcome the weaknesses in this study (due to the pandemic), the observation technique can be overcome with the participation of informants as an observer’s point of view and from school document sources. The data analysis technique uses three lines, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that: 1) The background of SMP IT Alam Nurul Islam Yogyakarta in developing student leadership is to develop students nature/potential optimally, formation of personality with noble charcter, educational disorientation from producing leaders to workers, provision to face life problems and benefit for nature and youth as agents of change. Students leadership that has been develop is religion/faith, independence, courage, cummunication, responsibility, care, entrepreneural spirit, management and democracy. 2) The concept of nature in learning includes nature as a learning space, nature as a medium and teaching material and nature as an object of learning. The concept of nature in the curriculum is moral development through exemplary methods, logic development through action learning methods, leadership development through outbound training methods and business mental development through apprenticeship methods and learning from experts. 3) Implementation of a nature based curriculum in developing student leadership includes awareness of children’s talents and nature, scientific integration, exemplary and habituation, action learning in activity and life skills and organizational programs. %Z Prof. Dr. H. Sutrisno, M. Ag.