@mastersthesis{digilib45471, month = {December}, title = {MAQASID DAN TOLERANSI BERAGAMA : STUDI PEMIKIRAN TOKOH ATAS DINAMIKA SOSIAL KEAGAMAAN DI KECAMATAN KALORAN}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 1620010096 Roehana Rofaidatun Umroh}, year = {2020}, note = {Pembimbing : Dr. Ali Sodiqin, M.Ag}, keywords = {Hukum Islam, Maqa{\d s}id al-Syar{\=i}?ah, Toleransi Beragama}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/45471/}, abstract = {The Kaloran community often finds socio-religious dilemmas in taking a stand on interfaith interactions. The formulation of fiqh law which is used as a benchmark for a Muslim in everyday life offers an exclusive law, which creates a dilemma to be realized in social life between maintaining religious values or maintaining social values. The challenge of Islamic law to be present as a solution to the problems of society such as the religious plural society in Kaloran, of course, requires a special formulation. Islamic law which has the nature of adaptability and maq{\^a}{\d s}id al-syari'ah provides an opportunity for the realization of maslahat in the various challenges it faces. In this case, religious leaders who act as mouthpieces of sharia, of course, have the responsibility to provide legal formulations in accordance with this plural society, because religious leaders in many cases become public references to solve the dilemma of diversity problems. The formulation of the problem answered in this study is "How are the thoughts of Muslim leaders in Temanggung Regency in solving religious problems in Kaloran sub-district?", "What approaches are used by the leaders in providing legal formulations related to interfaith relations? How to solve religious problems in Kaloran District from the perspective of maq{\^a}{\d s}id asy-syar{\^i}'ah? ?. This research is a qualitative descriptive analysis with a case study method. The object of research is the thoughts of Islamic leaders in Temanggung Regency in seeing religious problems that arise from the reality of tolerance that occurs in Kaloran subdistrict, which is then analyzed using the concept of maq{\^a}{\d s}id al-syari'ah. The results of this study indicate that the views of the figures in solving religious problems in Kaloran are full of codified fiqh paradigms without any review of the socio-cultural situation of law formation. This can be seen from their opinion about the prohibition of participating in other religious ceremonies and praying together. The characters use the paradigm that reality must be subject to the text. Adaptability of law in Islam is realized by choosing a formulation of comparative fiqh schools with considerations of community locality. The dialectic that occurs between Islamic law and the reality of society only occurs in the selection of the opinion of the ulama that is suitable for society while maintaining the hierarchy in fiqh proposals. From the mu'tamad opinion then it descends to the weaker opinion, with the aim of not burdening the people with laws that are still difficult to implement as a layman. In addition, the problem of diversity in Kaloran, if studied using a maq{\=a}sid perspective, can use a dialectical approach between {\d h}if{\d d} d{\^i}n and {\d h}if{\d d} mujtama 'in both classical and contemporary maq{\=a}sid discourse.} }